> Was written to corrupt Levite priests, not New Testament Christians. Ref. Malachi 2:1, Malachi 2:7-8.
> Was written to the Nation of Israel, not the New Testament Church. Ref. Malachi 1:1.
> Was commanding 1/10th of the tithe to be brought to the temple storehouse in Jerusalem, not 1/10th of a New Testament Christian's money income to a church. Ref. Nehemiah 10:38.
> Cannot be obeyed or accomplished except under the Law of Moses. Ref. Malachi 3:7.
> Was commanding 1/10th of 1/10th of the agricultural products of the Land of Israel to be brought to the storehouse in Jerusalem, not 1/10th of a New Testament Christian's income brought to a church. Ref. Nehemiah 10:38, Lev. 27:30, 32, Num. 18:27, Num. 18:28, Deut 12:17, Deut. 14:22, Deut. 14:23, Deut. 24:21, Deut. 26:12, 2 Chron. 31:5, 2 Chron. 31:6, Neh. 10:37, Neh. 13:5, Mal. 3:10, Matt. 23:23, Luke 11:42.
> Was indicting and exposing corrupt Levite priests for failing to bring to the storehouse in Jerusalem 1/10th of 1/10th of the agricultural products of the Land of Israel, not New Testament Christians for not handing over 1/10th of their income to a church. Ref. Malachi 3:7.
> Was commanded to Israeli Levites, not New Testament Christians. Ref. Malachi 2:1, Nehemiah 10:38.
> Was ended in Hebrews 7:18, and was never a command to New Testament Christians. Ref. Hebrews 7:1-18
> Was never an excuse or legitimate reason for any New Testament ministry, minister or anyone else to demand or take from any New Testament Christian 1/10th of their income. Ref. Malachi 2:1, Hebrews 7:18.
> Was written to disobedient Levite priests, not to New Testament Christians. Ref. Malachi 2:1, Malachi 3:7.
> Was written to those robbing God of the tithe of the tithe that belonged in the temple storehouse in Jerusalem, Israel, not New Testament Christians. Ref. Malachi 3:8.
> Was written to the cursed under the Law of Moses, not to New Testament Christians who are redeemed from the curse of the Law under the New Testament. Ref. Malachi 3:9, Galatians 3:13.
> Was written to unrighteous wicked Levite priests who refused to serve God, not New Testament Christians. Ref. Malachi 3:18.
> Was written to those of the Israeli priesthood who are sorcerers, adulterers, false swearers, those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, the fatherless and they that turn aside the stranger from his right, and do not fear the LORD of hosts, not New Testament Christians. Ref. Malachi 3:4.
> Was written to those who's blessings are cursed, not New Testament Christians who are not cursed and are redeemed from the curse. Ref. Malachi 2:2, Galatians 3:13.
> Was referring to the legalistic system of tithing under the Law of Moses, not freely giving under the New Testament. Ref. Hebrews 7:5, Numbers 18:24, 2 Corinthians 9:7.
> Is used by liars, con artists, thieves, the incompetent, the ignorant and deceived false teachers in order to steal 1/10th of their income from New Testament Christians with a fraudulent unbiblical fake tithing system never commanded by God. Ref. 1 Timothy 3:3, 1 Timothy 3:8, Titus 1:7, Titus 1:11, 1 Peter 5:2, 1 Timothy 6:5, 2 Peter 2:1-3.
> Concept - 2 Peter 1:20 - "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." Scripture is to be interpreted by scripture, interpreting scripture as explained by all other scripture.
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