Saturday, July 6, 2019

Here is a short list of why I oppose tithing

1. Tithing is not a New Testament doctrine or command. Christians are not instructed to tithe anything to anyone. 

2. All commands for tithing were a matter of the law of Moses (Jesus made that very clear - Matt. 23:23), no Christian is bound by the law of Moses. 

3. No church or other organization has a right to ask for or receive tithes. In fact, they have no right to expect any donations at all; people can support a ministry if they want to, but no Christian is biblically obligated to do so. The vast majority of giving in the early church went to the needy and the poor, not churches. 

4. Tithing places Christians into spiritual and financial bondage and deceptive slavery to whom they tithe to. 

5. Tithing transfers money into the hands of people and organizations who have no right to have it. In many cases, it has made thieves rich by deception. 

6. Tithing was never money, there is no such thing biblically as monetary tithing. 

7. Christians are instructed to be free will givers, not tithers, giving as they are led by their heart to cheerfully do so. 

8. Tithing is not seen in the Bible as a "Genesis to Revelation" ongoing continuing principle to be followed today by all people. God's command to tithe was limited to the Nation of Israel while they were under the law of Moses. There is no 10% universal standard of giving anywhere in God's Word a Christian must follow. 

9. Tithing, the teaching thereof, turns churches into oppressive organizations that place people under constant financial pressure to hand over 10% of their income "or face curses and loss of blessings;" a damnable thing to tell a Christian! 

10. The teaching of tithing turns "ministers" into wolves in sheep's clothing stealing from God's people. 

11. God has never given the biblical tithe to anyone under the New Testament; not to any apostle, pastor, teacher, evangelist, prophet, etc., to no one. 

12. Teaching tithing to New Testament Believers is in fact the preaching of another gospel not found in the Bible. 

13. Tithing turns a Christian into a fear motivated legalist who is afraid of the wrath and curse of God, and loss of blessings, if he or she does not "pay their tithe" which is deceptively claimed to be 10% of a person's income. 

14. And last but not least; modern day tithing is nothing but a ugly deceptive scam, and those that teach it will be facing God's judgment for what they are doing. 

>> There are many other reasons to oppose modern day tithing, I could list a lot more, but you have some of the reasons I oppose the teaching and practice of tithing. slaves and victims to whom they tithe to. Yet there is hope... 

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32 

>> Facts That Question and Expose the Myths... 

1. Tithing has nothing to do with personal income or money, there is no Biblical tithing instructed on money or income. There is no connection made between the two, tithing and income, in scripture. 

2. The tithe came from the miraculous increase in agricultural products (fruits, vegetables and clean animals) that God gave to the Nation of Israel, that increase alone was the substance of the tithe. 

3. God has never instructed any individual to tithe; the tithe requirement was on a nation, the Nation of Israel, not any particular person, neither Jew or Gentile. God did not instruct persons to tithe, God instructed a Nation to tithe. 

4. The tithe surrendered by the tither was restricted to fruits, vegetables and clean animals from the Promise Land. In scripture, money (income) was never tithed on, and there was, and remains, no requirement to do so. 

>> If you believe points 1 through 4 are incorrect, please provide scripture contradicting them; 

1. Where does scripture record God referring to the tithe as money to be paid, or connecting a tithe requirement to money? 

2. Where does scripture record God describing the tithe (what the tithe was to be) as anything other than fruits, vegetables and clean animals from the Promise Land? 

3. Where does scripture record God instructing tithing to all individual persons on earth, Jew or Gentiles, under the Old Testament or New Testament? 

4. Where does scripture record God instructing monetary tithing, that is to say tithing on money or income? 

>> Concept; "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so." - Acts 17:11 slaves and victims to whom they tithe to. Yet there is hope... 

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32 


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A REQUIREMENT TO TITHE... 1. Does not continue into the New Testament. 2. Is not recorded as being practiced in the New Testament. 3. Is not...