Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Malachi 3:10 broken down and looked at piece by piece...

>>> Malachi 3:10 

>> “Bring"...

[translates as deliver, transport, convey, carry to; NOT "pay," the Hebrew word "bo" does not mean to "pay" anything, but rather to move something to a location where God ordained it to be moved to; Malachi 3:10 does not contain a commandment to "pay a tithe;" the tithe had already been paid, but 1/10th of the tithe that had been paid was to be transported to the Temple Storehouse in Jerusalem; Nehemiah 10:38]

>> "the whole tithe into the storehouse"...

[one percent brought only by a Priest descended from Aaron supervising the Levites, Malachi 2:1, Nehemiah 10:38, 10% of the tithe, 10% of the 10%, and only brought to the Storehouse attached to the Temple in Jerusalem, no where else by no one else, not to a New Testament Church, not by a New Testament Believer; Nehemiah 10:38, "whole" meaning the whole amount, 10% of the 10%, that God had instructed was to be brought to the Temple; it does not mean the "whole" of the original tithe that had been collected by the Levites; Nehemiah 10:38, but rather a whole portion of it dedicated to the Temple to feed the singers, porters and on duty Priests; 2 Samuel 18:26; 2 Kings 7:10; 1 Chronicles 9:21; 2 Chr. 8:14; 1 Chronicles 23:5; 1 Chronicles 26:1-19; 1 Chronicles 15:18, 90% of the Holy Tithe was brought to the Levical cities; Nehemiah 10:37, 10% went to the Temple; Nehemiah 10:38]

>> "that there may be food in my house."...

[fruits, vegetables and clean animals from the Promise Land; never cash, money, gold, silver, shekels, mites, OR EVEN INCOME, the tithe was to be from the increase of the land that God gave them; the Holy Tithe of God was never surrendered in the form of income / money of any kind; Lev. 27:30, 32, Num. 18:27, Num. 18:28, Deut 12:17, Deut. 14:22, Deut. 14:23, Deut. 24:21, Deut. 26:12, 2 Chron. 31:5, 2 Chron. 31:6, Neh. 10:37, Neh. 13:5, Mal. 3:10-11, Matt. 23:23, Luke 11:42, (Deut. 14:22 "You shall truly tithe all the increase of your seed, that the field brings forth year by year."), also; there is no indication in scripture that the Nation of Israel used agricultural products or livestock as a routine form of currency as some tithing teachers falsely claim]

>> "Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty,"...

[God called testing him "wicked," but permitted only in this case for the Children of Israel to test him; Malachi 3:15, Deuteronomy 6:16, Exodus 17:2, Numbers 14:22, Matthew 4:7, 1 Corinthians 10:9]

>> “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven"...

[water for irrigation to cause their farms and ranches to produce abundance; same Hebrew words used to describe the outpouring of water in the flood of earth during Noah's time; not an outpouring of cash, money, gold, silver, shekels, mites, but water necessary for a healthy crop]

>> "and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”...

[more water than they would ever need to have a healthy crop; when God judged Israel, at times God held back their water supply causing their crops to fail]

>>> Leading to, and resulting in Malachi 3:11-12...

11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts.

[a successful crop, abundant agriculture, no crop failures, the fruits of the ground in Israel would be blessed and protected from destruction] 

12 And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the LORD of hosts.

[results in Israel being a strong witness of God blessing them under the Law of Moses if the Nation of Israel obeyed Him; Malachi 4:4]

>>> CONCLUSION; Malachi 3:10 is in NO MANNER instructing that tithes be paid by New Testament Christians.


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A REQUIREMENT TO TITHE... 1. Does not continue into the New Testament. 2. Is not recorded as being practiced in the New Testament. 3. Is not...