Saturday, November 4, 2023



"Is it a sin to tithe?" "Will a person go to hell if they tithe?" "Where does the Bible tell us to stop tithing."

You people who ask and post such phrases and questions trying to prove that a Christian must tithe; is that the best you can do? Is that the extent of your argument in favor of "Christian tithing?" Can't you do better in your quest to tell us all about how a Christian is required to hand over ten percent of their monetary income, income money, to a pastor, other minister or a church? Obviously you can't or you would be.

In reality you are NOT asking a legitimate honest question of which you are seeking an honest answer for, you are asking your question THINKING you have asked a question we cannot answer, and by not being able to answer, you have "proven" that a Christian must tithe. Sadly, you are deeply mistaken.

So, here are your answers...

>> "Is it a sin to tithe?"

YES, if you are NOT tithing in obedience to God's word. In God's word there exists NOT ONE VERSE instructing anyone to tithe money to any church, pastor or any minister, not in the Old or New Testament. Such a command from God simply does not exist anywhere in the Bible. If you think it does, feel free to show us. Tithing money is in fact a sin because money from income is NOT how God describes the tithe. God describes the tithe, NOT MEN. God's tithe consists of fruits, vegetables and clean animals from the Promise Land, the tithe was agricultural in composition, never monetary. There is no such thing as tithing money in God's word. Again; if you believe there is, feel free to show us the scripture verse to prove your claim.

Therefore; what is sin? THIS... 1 John 3:4 - "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law." So, YES, it is a sin to tithe if you are NOT tithing God's way, and you who are "tithing money" are NOT doing it God's way, you are doing it MAN'S WAY...

Matthew 15:6 - He need not honor his father.’ So for the sake of your tradition you have made void the word of God."

>> "Will a person go to hell if they tithe?"

NO, but you won't go to hell for being robbed, either, or necessarily for being ignorant. Whether or not a person will end up in hell has nothing to do with whether you should tithe or not. You won't end up in hell for building an Ark such as Noah built, even though it's unlikely that God has told you to build one. If you are a genuine Christian who has believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, you won't end up in hell for sacrificing bulls and of goats for your sins, even though doing so is worthless and cannot add to your salvation or forgiveness of sins. Hebrews 10:4 - "For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins."

>> "Where does the Bible tell us to stop tithing."

Where did the Bible tell us to START tithing? And, who is "us?"  Who must continue to tithe? God called, by divine command, the Nation of Israel to tithe under the Law of Moses, and the Levites to take the tithe; the Church is not the Nation of Israel under the Law of Moses and New Testament Christians have no instructions to "continue tithing" to anyone. Also, God NEVER instructed Gentiles to tithe...

"He sheweth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel." Psalm 147:20 - "He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the Lord." - Psalm 147:19-20

As noted many times before; In the New Testament no Apostle ever instructed tithing, asked for a tithe, rebuked any person or church for not tithing, or received a tithe. Not one of them. The early church seen in the Book of Acts NEVER tithed. We have NO record of them doing so. In fact, The Book of Acts records this...

"Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law: to whom we gave NO such commandment:" - Acts 15:24

If tithing was required and taught in the New Testament for Christians, it would have to be clearly detailed and outlined in the terms and conditions of the New Testament like all promises and commands of the New Testament are. Tithing instructions would be clearly included in the New Testament, there are NO SUCH INSTRUCTIONS TO BE FOUND. No such terms, conditions or details are outlined anywhere in the New Testament. Tithing was never, is not now, and will never be part of the New Testament. The New Testament KNOWS NOTHING OF ANY COMMAND FOR A BELIEVER TO TITHE.


Before posting foolish questions thinking you have asked a question that can't be answered, or proves that a Christian should tithe, think again. You might be only making a fool of yourself and accomplishing nothing.


>> Proverbs 10:28...

"The wise man is glad to be instructed, but a self-sufficient fool falls flat on his face."

>> Proverbs 15:32...

"Whoever ignores instruction despises himself, but he who listens to reproof gains intelligence." 


Copyright 2023, Anthony Todd, All rights reserved. Permission to copy and distribute this article must be obtained in writing from Tithing Study Online.

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A REQUIREMENT TO TITHE... 1. Does not continue into the New Testament. 2. Is not recorded as being practiced in the New Testament. 3. Is not...