Abraham was the Father of the Jewish people, the Nation of Israel. He is highly revered by the Hebrews;
John 8:33a - "They answered him, We be Abraham's seed,"
John 8:56 - "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad."
Genesis 17:5 - "Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee."
Yet, there exists not a single scripture instructing the Nation of Israel, or any Israeli Hebrew person, to tithe because or as Abraham did.
Given the fact that no scripture instructs the seed of Abraham, the Jewish people, to tithe as or because Abraham did; why would God instruct the Church to tithe as or because Abraham did when God never instructed the Nation of Israel to do so?
In fact; God has done NO SUCH THING. The Church (as with Israel) is also the Seed of Abraham, yet has no instructions to tithe to anyone, and no instructions to tithe as or because Abraham did.
Galatians 3:29 - "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."
Neither the Nation of Israel or the Church were ever instructed to tithe using Abraham as their example of tithing, or a reason to tithe, and as with the Nation of Israel, the Church of Jesus Christ has no instruction or reason to tithe using Abraham as their example of tithing. The Old and New Testament provides no instructions for tithing for Christians for any reason at all.
Abraham is not an example of tithing to be followed by anyone. The Bible does not instruct anyone to do so. We are to walk in faith as Abraham did, but that is not an instruction to do everything Abraham did.
In Genesis 15:6 we are told that Abraham “believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness.” The apostle James cites this verse and states that because of his faith Abraham became the “friend of God” - James 2:23.
Stop deceiving people, tithing teachers, with your lies and abuse of Abraham's singular tithe to Melchisedec.
Copyright 2023, Anthony Todd, All rights reserved. Permission to copy and distribute this article must be obtained in writing from Tithing Study Online.
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