"Where does the Bible instruct a New Testament Christian to turn over ten percent of their money income to a church, minister or other ministry? Please provide Biblical chapter and verse."
They will not be able to provide any valid chapter or verse simply because there are none.
Case in point;
If they answer "Malachi 3:10;" FACT; Malachi 3:10 was written to the Nation of Israel under the Law of Moses, and can ONLY be obeyed under the Law of Moses; (see; Malachi 3:7, Malachi 4:4). The New Testament church is not the Nation of Israel, is not under the Law of Moses (see; Romans 6:14, Acts 15:24, Romans 7:6, Galatians 3:10-12) and has no command to tithe anything to anyone.
Also, Malachi 3:10, along with all commands to tithe, has been clearly canceled by Hebrews 7:18 being weak and without profit;
Hebrews 7:18 - "For there is verily a disannulling of the commandment going before for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof."
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